Many companies are in the middle of an Agile transformation in some form or shape. This is a good thing to do, as it addresses the challenges we face with the waterfall approach in an increasingly digital, fast moving world.
Agile is originally introduced to build and deliver software, and is mainly focussed on delivering releasable code (stories and features) and not the value (business outcome) . There is no ceremony or ritual to review the actual business value of the features delivered. In fact, “Working software is the primary measure of progress”, the Agile manifesto says.
Teams today are all too often feature factories, with little regard for whether the features actually solve business problems.
See the problem here? Teams have no focus on delivering real value. Some features add value, others don’t. The assumption all working software is valuable is obviously wrong.
On top of this, teams are often not aware of the bigger context – why are we delivering this feature. This might even add frustration when certain features are never used or just fail – without explaination.